Acne Treatment Options

Acne frustrates millions of Americans with its blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and papules. Left untreated, this chronic skin condition leaves scars, dark spots and damage to self-esteem. At Atlanta Skin and Aesthetics in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Jay Levin manages acne with state of the art treatments which really work.

The reasons acne happens

Acne blemishes appear on the face, neck, back and shoulders. Sebaceous glands become blocked with oil, thus forming the periodic break-outs acne is famous for. While adolescents most commonly suffer with this skin condition, adults do, too. In fact, Harvard Health reports that acne seems to be on the rise in women in their mid-years.

Many people suffer with acne because of hormonal fluctuations, poor skin hygiene, fatty diets, and stress. Others have reactive skin because of cosmetics, hair care products, sweaty gym workouts and some medications, such as lithium. Also, Harvard Health reports that acne can be a precursor to endocrine diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome.

What you can do about your acne

At Atlanta Skin and Aesthetics, Dr. Jay Levin examines and treats many patients who have troublesome acne. Dermatologists believe that active management results in clearer skin, fewer outbreaks, less scarring, fewer infections and improved self-image.

Treatment starts with an in-office exam and review of your medications and medical history. Then, Dr. Levin may recommend antibiotics if your skin is infected, surgical extraction of cystic acne, benzoyl peroxide washes to reduce oil, and Tretinoin, or Vitamin A. Some people benefit from hormone therapy with birth control pills.

At home, prevention is key to control. This takes patience and practice but is critical to clearer, healthier skin. If fact, if you apply management persistently, you'll see far clearer skin in a few weeks.

Common sense strategies include:

  1. Gentle face washing twice a day with your fingertips only (never scrub your face or other areas of breakout)
  2. Keeping your hair clean
  3. Consuming a healthy diet, lower in fat and sugar
  4. Never picking or squeezing acne blemishes as this leads to infection
  5. Applying your prescription treatments as your dermatologist directs
  6. Wearing SPF-15 sunscreen on all exposed areas
  7. Using skin care products and cosmetics which are non-comedogenic (they don't aggravate acne)

Contact us

At Atlanta Skin and Aesthetics, we specialize in medical and aesthetic skin services which improve your health and confidence. For help with acne, please don't hesitate to call for a friendly consultation with Dr. Jay Levin: (404) 252-4110.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



