Are You Dealing with a Cyst?

If you are dealing with a bump under your skin, then you could have a cyst. More commonly developed in men than women, cysts can occur anywhere on the body, and while most won’t require treatment, it’s still important to recognize when it might be time to have our Atlanta, GA, dermatologist, Dr. Jay Levin, to take a look at your skin.

What causes skin cysts? 

Cysts are typically benign and harmless fluid-filled sacs that are the result of a clogged sebaceous gland or an infection. Cysts don’t typically cause pain unless they are infected or they rupture. Common causes of cysts include:

  • Infections
  • Cell defects
  • Chronic inflammatory conditions
  • Blockages of the ducts
  • A parasite
  • An injury
  • Genetic conditions

What are the symptoms of a cyst? 

Unless the cyst is inflamed or infected, the only common symptom is a visible lump on the skin—other signs will depend on the type of cyst you have. Cysts in certain areas of the body, such as the breast, may require further evaluation from a medical doctor.

How do I treat a cyst? 

How our Atlanta skin doctor decides to treat your cyst will depend on the type of cyst, where the cyst is located, and whether it’s causing any pain. While some cysts will go away on their own without treatment, very large cysts sometimes need to be surgically removed, especially if they are in uncomfortable or awkward places.

Our dermatologist can also drain the cyst to safely prevent an infection. Only if your doctor believes that the cyst is cancerous will a biopsy be needed.

When should I see a dermatologist? 

It’s best to see a dermatologist before the cyst ruptures, as a ruptured cyst can often experience a vicious cycle of rupturing and filling back up, which can be uncomfortable and also lead to scarring. If a cyst becomes infected or if you aren’t sure if you are dealing with a cyst, see our dermatologist for a proper diagnosis.

Concerned? Give us a call

No matter whether you are dealing with severe acne, cysts, or the early signs of aging in Atlanta, GA, our dermatological team can help you get the treatment and care you need for healthier skin. Call Atlanta Skin and Aesthetics today by dialing (404) 252-4110.

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